Full Lifecycle API Security

Leave no API Behind: ensure continuous protection for the fabric underlying your digital business.

Las API y las integraciones de terceros impulsan su negocio

APIs are fundamental to the digital economy, serving as the bridge to modernize legacy apps, and the cornerstone of modern digital experiences. While APIs are subject to the same attacks that target web apps—namely exploits and abuse that lead to data breaches, account takeover, and downtime—API-based architectures introduce unforeseen risk from an ever-expanding plethora of third-party integrations and AI ecosystems.

F5 solutions secure APIs from code through testing into runtime across a burgeoning hybrid and multicloud digital fabric—reducing risk and complexity while improving operational efficiencies.

Seguridad distribuida

F5 runs everywhere your APIs live—in the data center, across clouds, at the edge, behind your mobile apps, and within your third-party integrations.

Protección continua

F5 solutions provide universal visibility, actionable insights, and highly-trained machine learning that continuously discovers and automatically defends critical business logic behind APIs.

Aplicación coherente

F5 security employs a positive security model based on API schema learning, automated risk scoring, and ML-based protections.

Confident Innovation

F5 aligns API security to digital strategy and streamlines operations to accelerate app modernization from development to deployment and maintenance. 

How API Security Protects Your Business

Improve risk management while supporting digital innovation

Modernization is a business imperative. There is no other option. To succeed, you must streamline operations and align security to business strategy—differentiating from your competitors, meeting compliance requirements, and maintaining a resilient secure posture.

F5 API security reduces risk and complexity while improving operational efficiencies, so you maintain visibility and control across your entire digital ecosystem. 

Cómo ayuda F5

Protección desde la nube para todas las aplicaciones y API

Address modern application security challenges with dynamic API discovery, automated policy enforcement, and universal control across all apps and APIs powered by deep insights and machine learning.

Hardware y software, implementados de forma local y en la nube

Implemente de forma local o en una nube privada o pública, y proteja sus aplicaciones como mejor le convenga, aprovechando un sólido conjunto de defensas de seguridad. Un WAF autogestionado admite cualquier arquitectura de aplicaciones, desde web stacks heredadas de tres niveles hasta contenedores.

Cloud-based managed service that protects web apps and APIs from evolving threats

F5’s security managed services protect the apps and APIs that are critical to your business and extend your security team’s reach with 24x7 support from the F5 Security Operations Center (SOC).

AI-enhanced automated testing that uncovers your app and API risk surface

Find risks before attackers do and virtual patch them with critical stopgaps, such as web application firewall and API security controls. 

F5 automated reconnaissance and penetration testing services help detect vulnerabilities and potential business logic risks for an exploding number of apps and APIs across today’s multicloud environments—allowing organizations to mitigate them before attackers can find them.


Integre sus proveedores de soluciones y herramientas para crear un tejido de seguridad impulsado por las API.
