
Herramienta de diagnóstico BIG-IP iHealth

BIG-IP iHealth le permite verificar el funcionamiento correcto de su sistema BIG-IP y asegurar que su hardware y software funcionen con la máxima eficiencia.With customized diagnostic information, iHealth enables you to take the recommended action, and in many cases, can help you resolve common configuration issues without the need to contact F5 Technical Support.

Una instantánea de la ejecución de BIG-IP

At the heart of BIG-IP iHealth is the qkview file technology, which provides a running snapshot of your BIG-IP system with up-to-the-minute configuration and diagnostic information. You can quickly download a qkview file from your BIG-IP system, and then upload the file to the BIG-IP iHealth system.

The BIG-IP iHealth system translates the output from your qkview file and displays the content in a customer-friendly format that mimics the familiar BIG-IP Configuration utility. In addition to translating the raw data, the BIG-IP iHealth Diagnostics component of the BIG-IP iHealth system evaluates the logs, command output, and configuration of your BIG-IP system against a database of known issues, common mistakes, and published F5 best practices. The prioritized results provide tailored feedback about configuration issues or code defects and provide a description of the issue, recommendations for resolution, and a link to further information in the MyF5.

BIG-IP iHealth es gratis pero se requiere el registro.

The following link will take you to the BIG-IP iHealth site, where you will be redirected to authenticate or register. Make sure to bookmark, in order to navigate directly to the BIG-IP iHealth interface for future references.

Visitar iHealth