Security Considerations in Modern Application Deployments

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Most of us would think of security as a function at the front door and taken care of by the Network and Security teams. Unfortunately, this is not the case as we modernize our application deployments.

In today’s agile development environment, however, this could not be further from the truth. There are more than 20% of data breaches discovered in 2020 occurring due to code errors, and over 40% of those attacks targeting web applications (source: Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report). Considering the many touch points in building, deploying, managing, and maintaining modern applications, security is now everybody’s problem.

How do we get started? Join us in this webinar as we share with you:

  • Security lessons learned from those who have microservices applications in production
  • The security considerations you need to take for your microservices journey
  • The challenges facing organisations to continuously be ahead of the modern app curve, and tips to overcome them
  • A demo on how to deploy security solutions to protect your applications on microservices, Kubernetes and etc


Sean Maritz
NGINX Technical Solutions Architect, ANZ,