Protecting Healthcare Data with F5 Solutions


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In an era where healthcare data is under constant siege from hackers, the imperative to safeguard patient information has never been more critical. As regulatory pressures mount and cyber threats evolve, organizations grapple with the daunting task of fortifying data security while maintaining uptime and performance. Enter F5 and Epic, an alliance dedicated to not only defending/protecting healthcare data but also ensuring its availability and optimizing performance.

Join us for an illuminating webinar where we highlight their collaborative strides in bolstering security, uptime, and performance solutions for healthcare data and applications. Explore invaluable insights into safeguarding healthcare data while optimizing performance and ensuring uninterrupted availability. 

In this webinar, expect to delve into:

The groundbreaking web application firewall (WAF) policy was jointly crafted and validated by Epic and F5, fortifying security while enhancing uptime and performance.

Strategies for maintaining robust security measures without compromising availability or performance.

The role of rapid F5 application services templates/automation (FAST) templates in streamlining operations, reducing errors, and maximizing uptime.


lauren wood

Lauren Wood
Strategic Business Development Manager


Sanjay Shitole
Solutions Architect

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