Los 12 días de DevOps

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Published December 07, 2018

In this second installment of the 12 Days of DevOps, we’re sharing a dozen of our favorite pieces of DevOps-related content from the past year. Normally, the 12 Days of Christmas starts on December 25th, but (once again) we couldn’t wait – we shifted our publishing process left. Besides, we thought we might more appropriately time this post to coincide with one of the biggest DevOps-focused conferences of the year, KubeCon, taking place in Seattle next week.

We’ll be sharing these one-a-day on Twitter and have compiled the entire list below. If you’re interested in partaking in the fun this year, share your favorite DevOps-related news, blog, or content using the #12DaysOfDevOps hashtag.

And now, we look back and reflect on how DevOps has continuously impacted our industry over the past year. We’ll spare you the lyrical repetitiveness of counting down the 12 Days of DevOps and just jump right in!

  • Día 1:Lori MacVittie reminds us, “Thou shalt not leave admin consoles open” in an F5 Newsroom blog, “Containers, APIs, and Security Rule Two.”
  • Día 2:Are NetOps and DevOps continually at odds with each other? Find out in the “NetOps Meets DevOps: The State of Network Automation” report commissioned by F5 and Red Hat that surveyed more than 400 IT professionals.
  • Día 3:Microservices are coming to a network near you! Are you worried? Happy? Or do need to brush up on what exactly ‘microservices’ are?! Get a refresher from Lori MacVittie’s DevCentral article, “NetOps Primer: What are Microservices?
  • Día 4:On this day of the 12 Days of DevOps, we want to foster joy across teams and embrace collaboration! Check out our infographic to find 3 Ways to Make Your Dev Team’s Day.
  • Día 5:¿Por qué los profesionales de DevOps deben preocuparse por las arquitecturas por aplicación? Find out (hint: application services on-premises and in the public cloud) and discover why it’s in your best interest to partner with NetOps on exploring a next generation app-centric approach.
  • Día 6:Don’t get left behind, automate! And a great way to start is with our on-demand webinar that will cover three ways to automating app services.
  • Día 7:Our F5 Labs team got in on the DevOps fun this year too, highlighting the importance while researching the two severe security flaws in the Drupal CMS, “Drupalgeddon 2 Highlights the Need for AppSecOps.”
  • Día 8:In one of our more popular Lightboard Lessons this year, DevCentral’s Jason Rahm’s “What is OpenShift?” video discusses the value-added building blocks that OpenShift brings to the container table.
  • Día 9:Perceptions between NetOps and DevOps were not so different after all, with our survey of these IT professionals showing that NetOps has gained ground in the automation race against their DevOps counterparts. Lori MacVittie highlights other trends and findings in a F5 Newsroom blog from August.
  • Día 10:This year, many organizations began exploring or adopting digital transformation initiatives. If that includes your organization, check out our on-demand webinar, “Preparing Your Data Center for a Digital Makeover.”
  • Día 11:A blog from the Office of the CTO, “Day 0 was Day 1 of Development,” explores the choices we make when developing applications and how security is often deprioritized during the development process.
  • Día 12:Guess what? Besides it being the last day of 12 Days of DevOps, automation is key to bridging the digital divide! This is not only going to be the case for the future but proves essential to understanding the relationship between DevOps and NetOps. Uncover more insightful findings from a survey of IT professionals in our report’s executive summary.

We hope you found this DevOps round-up valuable! Remember to join our conversation on Twitter with #12DaysOfDevOps and stay tuned for much more to come from F5 for the DevOps community in 2019!