Join us in celebrating #12DaysOfDevOps

Lori MacVittie Thumbnail
Lori MacVittie
Published December 17, 2015

On the first day of DevOps my manager gave to me…

Okay, that’s really not going anywhere, is it? And that’s probably okay, because DevOps isn’t something that’s confined to just 12 days a year anyway. It’s not really a project you can manage and assign man hours to and expect a hard completion date. DevOps remains an approach that has to be embraced and applied continuously (see what I did there?) in order to transform operations into the lean, mean, app delivery machine it needs to be for business (and IT) to succeed in the growing API and app economy.

now witness

But that doesn’t mean we can’t take time out of our busy holiday schedule (between working and shopping for those last minute gifts – I like dark chocolate and diamonds, thanks for asking) to reflect on how DevOps has impacted everything from dev to ops to the network to security this past year.

And to reflect on those concepts, ideas, tools, and methodologies with the foreknowledge that it will hopefully continue to expand its influence across IT until the data center itself is fully operationalized. No, not operational like the Death Star battle station, but operationalized, as in automated, orchestrated, and optimized. 

Now technically the 12 Days of Christmas, upon which this idea was obviously based, doesn’t actually start until Christmas Day but we know you (and I) are going to be super busy at that point, playing with the latest gadgets we got for Christmas in between helping the kids build ever-increasingly complex Lego sets and trying to figure out where to hide that one gift we all get from someone who meant well, but totally missed the mark.

That’s why we started early with the 12 Days of Devops, which officially (according to our schedule) ends tomorrow. We’ve shared a variety of posts made by F5 authors throughout the year, and thought it’d be nice to wrap up by providing a handy list you can reference any time you like and then ask that you share you own favorite DevOps tales, no matter who wrote them up. 

  • Seguridad como código
  • The Problem Isn't Change. It's Uncontrolled Change 
  • DevOps 101 series by Joe Pruitt:
  • F5 Friday: Master of Puppets 
  • Node.js ABC’s 
  • State of Application Delivery 
  • Measuring and Monitoring: Apps and Stacks
  • Things Ops needs to know about Load Balancing 
  • Making a business case for HTTP/2 
  • Multiplexing: TCP vs. HTTP2
  • DevOps Tools & F5
  • Where F5 fits in a DevOps world

We know there were many more this year. DevOps was certainly one of the most significant technology trends of 2015, so if you’ve got a favorite DevOps related post – from anywhere and anyone – give everyone a gift for the holidays and share it out on Twitter with a #12DaysOfDevOps tag so we can enjoy and learn from it, too.

Until 2016, keep calm and DevOps on!