Service Mesh for Microservices 2.0

Mohamad Bayan, Sr. Solutions Architect at Verizon

In the past few years, microservices architectures have became more mainstream as large enterprises are adopting them for the promise to enable faster software delivery, easier innovation and embracing of new technologies, and greater freedom to react and make informed decisions. However, most adopters have ended up with a “distributed monolith”, unable to realize the true benefits of architectures like polyglot microservices.

In his session at NGINX Conf 2018, Mohamad shares his experience working with microservices at Verizon. He reviews his team's journey to its Microservices 2.0 solution, including the challenges they faced along the way as different teams adopted different technology stacks for building microservices. With Microservices 2.0, the strategy is to leverage a platform that combines Kubernetes and service mesh as the “outer architecture” that enables building business‑focused polyglot services that are decoupled from it.

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