DDoS Beasts and How to Fight Them, Part 2

Artyom Gavrichenkov, CTO at Qrator Labs

DDoS threats have been evolving rapidly in recent years, to the point where they have become a community‑wide problem. The past two years have seen the spawning of numerous IoT‑related working groups, mostly in response to the infamous 1.1‑Tbps, IoT‑based DDoS attack in autumn 2016. Fast‑forward a year and half, and we see even more disastrous attacks.

In his session at NGINX Conf 2018, Artyom aims to dissect the DDoS threat. He describes the ISO/OSI layers, offering a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive classification of DoS attacks, a description of what makes them possible, and a set of possible ways to mitigate attacks of any kind.

The session is based on personal experience. It is vendor‑agnostic and doesn't cover or promote any solutions available on the market. Attendees are welcome to use the information to guide them in building their own solution.

Nota:  Part 2 starts at page 70 in the slide deck.

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