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3 Ways to Get App Devs Off Your Back

Published December 18, 2018
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Do they accuse you of holding back application deployments with antiquated ticket queues and multi-day turnaround times? Are you constantly battling “shadow IT” efforts and then being called on to fix the mess when things go wrong?

In the interests of meeting the organizational need for speed, fostering good inter-team relationships, and keeping your sanity, it might be a good idea to take a look at some strategies to deliver the services your apps need in the timeline your people want. But how?

1.Make security the default

Like cod liver oil, we all know app security is good for us, but the process of taking it can be less than pleasant. Baking app security in through the use of automated templates with security policies already attached is the way to successfully deliver something that’s typically hard to swallow to even the fussiest project teams.



of respondents say they have confidence they can protect all their apps.1

43 %

of respondents say security is the worst thing to deploy an app without.2

53 %

The percentage of breaches in which applications were the initial targets.3

2.Make the complex simple

Advanced application delivery services can undoubtedly make your applications perform better, be more reliable, and a lot more secure. But, if the process is difficult or too complex, adoption rates will be low. Build a declarative interface that lets your teams get great application delivery service by using your knowledge and experience to hide the steps it takes to get there.


The average number of application services needed to help keep critical apps fast, safe and available.4

74 %

of respondents say automation is important to their IT operations.5

83 %

How much time companies that adopt DevOps can trim from the lag time between code complete and live production.6

3.Move faster than they can

This isn’t about the same old processes executed faster. Your services need to be built out as fast as the software. That might mean creating systems to deliver infrastructure-as-code, building self-service portals, or providing automation scripts directly to your teams.

20 %

The percentage of companies with backlogs of more than 50 newapp requests.7

65 %

of respondents say increasing the pace of app development and delivery is important.8

72 %

of respondents say they don’t have confidence in being able to scale IT to meet the needs of the business.9

F5 supports app teams’ need for greater flexibility and speed—while also enabling operations teams to standardize on consistent network and security policies across the entire application portfolio.

Find out more at


1 The State of Application Delivery 2018 Report
2 ibid.
3 ibid.
4 The State of Application Delivery 2018 Report
5 ibid.
6 ibid.
7 Appian, January 2018
8 ibid.