The Mindset and Services for Modern App Security

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With the proliferation of web applications and APIs, security teams are struggling to keep up. They’re left piecing together offerings from multiple vendors and various form factors across teams and environments. But it’s time for organizations to adopt a unified, agile, and comprehensive approach to application security.

Join F5 and Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) as we unpack recent app and API security survey results, digging into the evolving threat landscape and app security trends. We’ll also introduce you to F5's newest SaaS delivered solution, F5 Distributed Cloud Web App and API Protection (WAAP). Unifying app security is more than shedding vendors; it takes a new mindset and movement toward holistic, platform-delivered WAAP solutions that are easy to use.


In this webinar, we’ll cover:

Latest App and API security survey results and trends

Evolving threat landscape and focus areas

F5’s newest SaaS-delivered app security solution – F5 Distributed Cloud WAAP


Byron McNaught
Solutions Marketing Manager, Security

Ian Dinno
Sr. Product Marketing Manager


John Grady
Senior Analyst