on-demand WEBINAR

2024 State of App Strategy: APIs Rise over Apps


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We’re entering a new stage of digital business in which applications, APIs, and data are not only driving business expansion, but unlocking new opportunities, fresh revenue streams, and novel business models. 

Join us as we dig into the results of the 2024 State of Application Strategy Survey and discuss how digital transformation is driving an explosion of APIs, the rapidly progressing use of AI, and the resulting complexity challenges organizations are facing.  

In this webinar, we’ll cover:

APIs Rise Over Apps: 41% of organizations today manage as many APIs as applications.

Multicloud Operations Are the New Normal: 89% of organizations manage multiple deployment locations while nearly half of organizations operate in 5 or more —and 38% operate in six.

App Delivery and Security Technology Has Exploded: 30 different app security and delivery technologies are deployed at an average rate of 93% 

Multicloud Networking Offers Relief: Many IT leaders look to multicloud networking for relief from the resulting complexity challenges.

AI May Help Solve Complexity Challenges through Increased Automation: 75% are implementing AI in the organization—and many expect API security to protect their AI and machine learning models. Will it?



Lori MacVittie
F5 Distinguished Engineer & Chief Evangelist


Cindy Borovick
F5 Market and Competitive Strategy Lead