On-demand WEBINAR

How to Navigate Modern API Security in FinServ


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Navigating Modern API Security: Trends, Challenges, and Strategies for Financial Services     

The financial services sector is increasingly relying on applications. The way consumers interface with their institutions, the growing number of third-party and auxiliary services like payments and collections, and the myriad of internal services are predominantly application-based.

With these services comes the complex mesh of API calls between front-end, back-end, and 3rd party applications, that span traditional and modern private data centers, co-lo exchanges, and a growing number of public clouds.

Not surprisingly, as financial services organizations have realized the importance of APIs, so have attackers. While there’s a dizzying array of solutions to protect against these attackers, not all API security solutions are created equally. So, how can teams find the right-fit approach to reach the summit of peak API protection?

Join us for this webinar where we’ll discuss:

Cybersecurity financial services risk predictions for 2024

The challenges of API security in a hybrid, multi-cloud digital world

API best practices for modern financial services



Chad Davis
Global Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Verticals


Chuck Herrin
Field CTO, API Security


Dany Marcuzzi
Major Account Manager, Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Sectors


Barrymore Simon
Senior Solutions Engineer – Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Sector