퍼블릭 클라우드, 온프레미스 및 엣지 환경에 분산된 애플리케이션 및 서비스를 안전하게 연결합니다.
Centralized Observability Across Environments: Gain centralized visibility of all applications across multiple clouds, enabling your teams to monitor and manage app performance across your entire network infrastructure and connected sites.
Reliable App Deployment and Orchestration: Integrate app delivery services into a single stack with a standard deployment model and centralized orchestration to help reduce operational complexity
External Kubernetes Networking: Simplify networking between Kubernetes clusters on different cloud providers. Gain centralized visibility for workloads deployed across various Kubernetes distributions.
Simplified App Migration and Portability: Connect application service communications globally across environments with private connectivity, making application migrations and workload portability a secure, hassle-free experience.
Distributed Cloud App Connect는 여러 클라우드 지역, 공급자 및 엣지 사이트에 분산된 워크로드에 대한 앱 간 연결과 오케스트레이션을 지원하는 SaaS 기반 서비스입니다. Distributed Cloud App Connect는 DevOps에 대한 세분화된 서비스 및 요청 수준 제어를 통해 클라우드 간의 안전한 애플리케이션 계층 네트워킹을 보장합니다.
Distributed Cloud App Connect는 여러 클라우드 및 엣지 사이트에 걸쳐 앱과 서비스를 안전하게 연결할 수 있는 광범위한 기능을 지원합니다.
Automated, cross-cluster service discovery and management
Service-level dashboards and metrics
Distributed Cloud Console manages both app and API security
Easily shift apps to new environments without any IP address overlap concerns
Load balancing for TCP, UDP, and HTTP/S requests
Granular policies to secure endpoint access
Native TLS encryption between workloads
Real-time insights into app delivery and security
See how organizations can leverage F5 Distributed Cloud Services to deploy, connect, and secure applications running in multiple environments.