Partner Summit - India & SAARC

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Thank you for your partnership and continued trust.

As we embrace 2021 with new ways of working, digital experiences are now the primary way that people interact and transact. The applications, that organizations design, build and operation, are the face of that company that interacts with their customers. More critical than ever, applications are expected to deliver extraordinary digital experiences. How can we empower our customers to achieve that?

Join us at the F5 Virtual Partner Executive Summit as we share with you how we can offer an essential solution for every digital organization so that our customers can focus on their core business, boost speed to market, improve operations and build trust with their customers.

Webinar Details

Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021
Time: 10am to 12noon India Time
Venue: Zoom Call



Opening Address
Dhananjay Ganjoo, Regional Vice President, India, F5

10am to 10.15am

Strategy and vision of f5
Adam Judd, Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific, China & Japan, F5

10.15am to 10.30am

F5 New Strategic Solution
Mohan Veloo, Vice President, Global Solutions Engineering, F5

10.30am to 10.50am

Partner update and How to grow with f5
Edgar Dias, Regional Vice President, Partner Sales, Asia Pacific, China & Japan, F5

10.50am to 11.10am

India Vision and Business with partner
Dhananjay Ganjoo, Regional Vice President, India, F5

11.10am to 11.25am

Partner Award Ceremony